
根管长度电测法相关性因素的临床研究 被引量:1

The correlation factors on the accuracy of electronic measurement for root canal working length:A clinical study
摘要 目的:评价患者年龄、患牙牙位、冠根状态等相关因素对根管长度电测法测定根管长度准确性的影响。方法:以临床需行根管治疗的258名患者288颗患牙为研究对象,将所测得的数据进行下列研究:按患者年龄、患牙牙位、冠根完整性及根尖周有无病变分组,分析其是否影响电测法测量准确性。结果:年龄、牙位、冠根完整性以及根尖周有无病变对电测法准确性均无明显影响(P>0.05)。结论:根管长度电测法准确率高,且准确性不受患者年龄、牙位、根尖周病变、牙根吸收或冠根不完整的影响。 Objective:To evaluate the correlation factors on the accuracy of determining root canal working length by electronic measurement in vivo.Methods: The clinical experiment contained 258 patients (288 teeth).The accuracy of electronic measurement was observed, meanwhile, the influence of patients'age and tooth position to electronic measurement was analyzed, the related factors including tooth integrity and apical disease to electronic method were still analyzed.Results: The related factors including patients' age and tooth position did not influence the accuracy of electronic method (both P〉0.05). Neither the tooth was not integrity nor had apical disease,the accuracy of electronic method was not influenced (both P〉0.05).Conelusion:The accuracy of electronic measurement is fairly high,and is not influenced by patients'age, tooth position,tooth integrity and apical disease.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2007年第7期971-972,共2页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 根管长度 根尖电测仪 准确性 Working length',Eleetronie apex loeator Accuracy
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