Objective To present the clinic characteristics ot thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia. Methods Between 1979 and 2004,5 patients with thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia were surgically treated. Results The age of the patients ranged from 43 to 68 years,mean age 54.6 years. The incidence of thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia was 2.7% (5/185) in the contemporary series. All five patients underwent radieal operation. The early results of thymomectomy were excellent, 4 cases are long-term survivals, and recurrence of PRCA was found in one patient 2 months after operation and died 31 months later. Conclusion Thymoma associated with PRCA is a rare autoimmune disease. Surgery for thymoma is still top priority in the selection of treatment. Incretion and for postoperative persistent PRCA eases. 11 refs, 1 tab.
5.1 Pleura,pleural cavity,mediastinum,diaphragm207101 The clinical study on thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia:report of five cases/Zhang Xiaofeng(张晓峰,Dept Thorac Surg,1st Affil Hosp, China Med Univ,Shenyang 110001)…∥Chin J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.-2006,22(5).-305~307Objective To present the clinic characteristics of thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia.Methods Between 1979 and 2004,5 patients with thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia were surgically treated.Results The age of the patients ranged from 43 to 68 years,mean age 54.6 years.The incidence of thymoma associated with pure red cell aplasia was 2.7% (5/185) in the contemporary series.All five patients underwent radical operation.The early results of thymomectomy were excellent,4 cases are longterm survivals,and recurrence of PRCA was found in one patient 2 months after operation and died 31 months later.Conclusion Thymoma associated with PRCA is a rare autoimmune disease.Surgery for thymoma is still top priority in the selection of treatment.Incretion and immunosuppressor may be considered for postoperative persistent PRCA cases.