目的研究量化指标在头颈部放射治疗重复摆位中的作用。方法将需同期放射治疗的头网膜固定和头颈肩网膜固定的患者随机分为两组,即常规方法与质量控制组。各组采用不同摆位方法,分别对其进行摆位时间、治疗后目测误差、计划系统验证误差的统计。结果头网膜固定常规方法组治疗后患者体位移动的最大范围为2mm,与质量控制组组间无显著性差异(P>0.05);但计划系统验证头网膜固定患者的体位移动最大范围为15mm,与质量控制组组间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。头颈肩网膜固定常规方法组治疗后患者体位移动的最大范围为6 mm,与质量控制组组间有显著性差异(P<0.01);计划系统验证头颈肩网膜固定常规方法组患者的体位移动最大范围为10 mm,与质量控制组组间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论精确量化指标在重复摆位中起到了质量控制的作用,值得临床推广应用。
Objective To study the role of precise quantification in repeated replacement of radiotherapy in head and neck. Methods The patients who were treated with thermoplastic mask for head and for headneck were randomized into conventional group and quality-control group. Different replacement methods were used and the replacement time,the errors verified by eyes,and the error verified by TPS were analyzed and compared. Results The replacement error(≤2 mm) of the conventional group located with head mask had no difference with the quality-control group( P 〉0.05) ,but the replacement error (≤15 mm) verified by TPS in conventional group was higher than the error of the quality-control group( P 〈0.01). The replacement error (≤6 mm) of the group located with head-neck mask verified by eyes was lower than the replacement error (≤10 mm) verified by TPS ( P 〈0.01). Conclusion Precise quantification is an important quality-control method in repeated replacements; and it is worth popularizing the clinical radiotherapy.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army