
宫颈癌组织中树突状细胞和ICAM-1的表达 被引量:4

摘要 目的探讨宫颈癌组织中树突状细胞(DC)和细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)的表达及其临床意义。方法收集1993~1998年间手术切除的宫颈癌组织存档蜡块标本66例,同期正常宫颈组织标本20例和宫颈炎组织标本30例。采用免疫组化S-P法检测宫颈癌组织中DC和ICAM-1的表达,并与正常宫颈组织和良性病变组织相对照。结果20例正常宫颈组织DC皆为阴性表达,30例宫颈炎标本有3例为弱阳性表达;正常宫颈组织20例ICAM-1皆为低度表达,30例宫颈炎组织中2例高度表达。DC和ICAM-1的表达水平与宫颈癌组织学类型无关;随FIGO手术分期的增加,DC阳性表达率降低,ICAM-1高度表达率增加(χ2=9.899、13.074,P<0.01)。有淋巴结转移的宫颈癌组织中,DC阳性表达率低于无淋巴结转移组织,ICAM-1高度表达率高于无淋巴结转移组织,差异有显著性(χ2=8.963、21.512,P<0.01)。DC阳性病人3年及5年生存率明显高于DC阴性病人,ICAM-1高度表达病人3年及5年生存率明显高于低度表达组,差异有显著性。结论检测DC和ICAM-1在宫颈癌组织中的表达,对指导宫颈癌临床治疗和估计病人预后有着重要意义。 Objective To study the expressions of dendritic cells (DC) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in patients with cervical carcinoma and their clinical significance. Methods S-P immunohistochemical method was used to detect DC and ICAM-1 expression in 66 paraffin block specimens of cervical carcinoma and 50 cases of normal and inflammatory cervical tissue. Results All normal cervical tissues were DC negative. Among the 30 cases of cervical inflammatory tissues, three were DC weakly-positive and two were ICAM-1 high level expression. DC positive rates decreased with the increase of clinical stages. ICAM-1 high level expression rates increased. DC and ICAM-1 expression levels were not related to pathological tissue classifications. The DC positive rates in patients with lymph node metastases were lower than those without. The ICAM-1 high expression rate in patients with lymph node metastases were higher than those without. DC and ICAM-1 expression levels were related to the 3-year and 5-year survival rates of the patients. Conclusion The expression of DC and ICAM-1 in cervical carcinoma tissue can serve as a useful indicator in the treatment and prediction of the prognosis of the disease.
出处 《齐鲁医学杂志》 2007年第1期62-64,共3页 Medical Journal of Qilu
关键词 宫颈肿瘤 树突细胞 细胞间黏附分子1 免疫组织化学 cervical neoplasms dendritic cells ICAM-1 immunohistochemistry
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