
我国网络型基础产业改革和发展的几个问题 被引量:1

Discussion on Development and Reformation of Network-Infrastructure Industry in China
摘要 推进网络型基础产业改革和发展是我国“十一五”规划的方向和重点。评价网络型基础产业的改革,应当在判别是否符合市场经济发展方向的同时把行业发展、企业绩效和社会效益作为主要衡量标准。推进网络型基础产业的市场化改革,应当根据其经济特征和市场结构的基本特征,把握改革的取向和力度。加强网络型基础产业的监管,应当有利于防止形成新的垄断、保证提供普遍服务和降低行政监管成本。 This paper indicates that the reform and development of the network-infrdstructure industry is the direction and emphasis of the eleventh five years program. When we value the reform of the network-infrastructure industry, we ought to know whether it acoords to the direction of market eoonomy development and we should make the industries development, the enterprise achievement effect and the social benefits as main standards at the same time. When pushing forward market-oriented reformation of the network-infrastructure industry, we ought to grasp the direction and power acoording to the eoonomie characteristics and the essential features of market structures. The regulatory of the network-infrastructure industry oould prevent from forming new monopolies and provide oommon service as well as reduce the administration oost.
出处 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期1-4,共4页 Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 网络型基础产业 经济 政府规制 network-infrastructure industry economy government regulation
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