
玉米肽、大豆肽及其复配肽的降血压活性比较 被引量:20

Comparison of Hypotensive Effect among Corn Peptide,Soybean Peptide and Compound Peptide
摘要 为了得到高降血压活性、具有良好营养且便于工业化生产的生物活性肽,本实验以碱性蛋白酶A lcalase水解玉米大豆复配蛋白,通过正交试验,用试剂盒测定了酶解肽抑制血管紧张素Ⅰ转化酶(ACE)的活性,结果表明:最佳酶解条件为pH=8.0,温度55℃,[E]/[S]=0.5%,料液比1∶15,时间4h。比较了高降血压活性大豆肽、玉米肽、复配肽ACE的抑制活性,其抑制率分别为63.05%,82.59%,84.02%。复配肽不仅ACE抑制率最高,且营养价值高,与玉米肽相比,水解时间可减少14h,节省能源。结论:玉米大豆复配肽是优于玉米肽、大豆肽的降血压肽。 In order to obtain bioactive peptides with highly hypotensive capacity and nutritional value in favor of industrial production, the compound peptide (mixture of corn protein and soybean protein) was hydrolyzed by Alcalase, and their activity of inhibiting angiotension Ⅰ - converting enzyme (ACE) was determined by ACE detection kits. The following optimum enzymolysis conditions were obtained by orthogonal tests: pH 8.0, 55℃, 4h, [ E]/[ S] = 0.5%, and ratio of material/water 1: 15. The detection results show that the inhibiting effect for ACE of the soybean peptide, the corn peptide, and the compound peptide is 63.05%, 82.59%, and 84.02%, respectively. The compound peptide is not only of top activity of inhibiting ACE, but also of highly nutritional value. Compared with the corn peptide, the enzymolysis time for the compound peptide shortens by 14h. It is concluded that the compound peptide is the best hypotensive peptide among the three kinds of peptides.
出处 《中国粮油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期45-47,72,共4页 Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
基金 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2005ABA140)
关键词 玉米肽 大豆肽 复配肽 血管紧张素转化酶 降血压活性 corn peptides, soybean peptides, compound peptides, angiotension Ⅰ -converting enzyme (ACE) , hypotensive activity
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