ccording to the unified plan of the Ministry of Public Health of China,Linxia Huizu Autonomus Prefecture had implemented three times of National Immunization Days from Dec.1993 to Jan.l996 which totally included six runs of immunization.The number of childrenregistered to be vaeeinated in threes time of National Immunization Days were all greater thanthat announced by the Provincial Statistics Agency and the established cards of children of thesame ages.The number of zero dose immunized children made up l9.96%,5.92% and 4.13%of the total registered children respectively.The reported coverage rate of three times ofNational Immunization(including six runs)were all above 97%.The coverage rate by samplingwas in accordanee with that of reported.This high coverage rate implemented simultaneously ina short period eliminated the immnunization blanks that had been resulted from the decline ofroutine immunization.The experienees which ens ured the smooth developing of supplementaryimmunization are as follows:the leaders corres ponding for this plan took the matter seriously,the masses were highiy morbilized,and the training courses and rear-serviee were nieelyquaranteed.In addition,the well-known figures in religious circles and religious masses all sup-ported and participated in activities of the National lmmunization Days.These are the factorsto ensure the s upplementary immunization to attain the des ired results.From now on,if wecontinue enhancing both the routine immunization for polio and the AFP surveillance work,implementing in polio high-ris h areas the supplementary immunization,eradication of poliomyelitis can be fully realized.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Poliomyelitis,Activities of National Immunization Days,Coverage rate