
辣椒花药培养再生株群体染色体倍性构成的多样性 被引量:20

Studies on Ploidy Composing in Regenerated Plants from Anther Culture of Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)
摘要 采用流式细胞分析术和染色体计数法对辣椒花药培养再生株群体的染色体倍性构成情况进行了鉴定。显示了花药培养再生株中染色体倍性构成的多样性。观察到染色体倍性在不同检测组织器官中的差异现象,说明对同一材料不同器官进行倍性检测以确定植株倍性的必要性,以及植株上部器官的染色体倍性对于结籽能力的决定性。观察到再生株中个别细胞染色体的丢失现象。对流式细胞检测技术和染色体计数法的相关性进行了研究,得出2种检测技术下二者的吻合度为0.95,并对流式检测技术中的偏峰现象进行了初步的分析。 Flow cytometric (FCM) analytical technique and chromosome counting were used for the detailed ploidy identification in population of anther culture derived pepper plants. Results revealed ploidy diversity in regenerated plants. The different ploidy in organs (eg. Leave and root tips) of the same plant was observed, and this phenomena showed the importance of determining ploidy level by different samples. Chromosome deletion was observed in some cells of haploid or double haploid plants. The coincidence between FCM and chromosome counting was high up to 0.95 in our experiment. We also discussed about the phenomenon of peak distortion in FCM analytical technique. These observations and results are significant for the haploid breeding, germplasm innovation and cytogenetic researches.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期123-128,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家"863"项目(2002AA244021 2002AA207012-3) 北京市科委项目(H022020130130)
关键词 辣椒 花药培养 倍性构成 流式细胞仪 染色体计数 Pepper( Capsicum annuum L. ) Anther culture Ploidy composing Flow cytometry Chromosome counting
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