由国际器官移植协会(TTS)和美国器官移植年会(ATC)首次共同举办的世界移植大会(WTC)于2006年7月23—27日在美国波士顿的海涅(Hynes)会议中心举行,共有超过5000名来自世界各地的移植学家参加会议。在第1天的全体大会上,分别由Laurence Turks和Abraham Shacked对器官移植领域的基础和临床研究热点进行了总结,现将热点内容编译如下。
Chinese Journal of Organ Transplantation
1Park H, Li Z, yang XO, et al. A distinct lineage of CD4 T cells regulates tissue inflammation by producing interlerkin 17. Nat Immunol, 2005, 6(11) :1133-1141.
2Bettelli E, Carrier Y, Gao W, et al. Reciprocal development pathways for the generation of pathogenic effector TH17 and regulatory T cells. Nature, 2006, 441(7090):235-238.
3Zhang H, Chua KS, Guimond M, et al. Lymphopenia and interleukin-2 therapy alter homeostasis of CD4^+ CD25^ + regulatory T cells. Nat Med, 2005, 11(11):1238-1243.
4Sawitzki B, Kingsley CI, Oliveira V, et al. IFN-gamma production by alloantigen-reactive regulatory T cells is important for their regulatory function in vivo. J Exp Med, 2005, 201(6) : 1925-1935.
5Jiang D, Liang J, Fan J, et al. Regulation of lung injury and repair by Toll-like receptors and hysluronan. Nat Med, 2005,11(11) : 1173-1179.
6Barrat FJ, Meeker T, Gregorio J, et al. Nucleic acids of mammalian origin can act as endogenous ligands for Toll-like receptors and may promote systemic lupus erythematosus. J Exp Med, 2005, 202(8):1131-1139.
7Pisitkun P, Deane JA, Difilippantonio MJ, et al. Autoreaetive B cell responses to RNA-related antigens due to TLR7 gene duplication. Science, 2006, 312(5780):1669-1672.
8Subramanian S, Tus K, Li QZ, et al. A T1r7 translocation accelerates systemic autoimmunity in murine lupus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2006, 103(26):9970-9975.
9Ochando JC, Homma C, Yang Y, et al. Alloantigenpresenting plasmacytoid dentritic cells mediate tolerance to vaseularized grafts. Nat Immunol, 2006, 7(6):652-662.
10Tang Q, Adams JY, Tooley AJ, et al. Visualizing regulatory T cell control of autoimmune responses in nonobese diabeticmice. Nat Immunol, 2006, 7(1):83-92.
4刘光明,陈建华.Colles骨折的非手术疗法研究进展[J].中医正骨,2011,23(12):66-68. 被引量:23
5正确理解“CNI肾毒性” 合理选择免疫抑制方案—-第15届欧洲器官移植年会侧记[J].中华器官移植杂志,2011,32(11).
6孙雨良.闭孔疝(编译)[J].国外医学(外科学分册),2003,30(2):100-101. 被引量:34
7陈德谊.乳腺癌手术后的淋巴水肿(编译)[J].国际外科学杂志,2001,32(3):161-162. 被引量:6