
单一出厂定价制度下的厂商区位选择 被引量:1

Choice of Firm Location under the System of Single Ex-factory Price
摘要 修改Hotelling(1929)模型的基本假定,假定厂商边际生产成本为正,交通成本由消费者负担,厂商区位可以为内生变量,也可以为外生变量,在此假定前提下,分析厂商的最优的区位—价格策略,以探讨最大差异原则或者最小差异化原则何时成立,或者不成立。 The author revises the basic assumptions of Hotelling (1929) Model and supposes that the marginal production cost of firms are positive, traffic cost is afforded by consumers, and firm location can either he endogenous variable or exogenous variable. Under such assumption, the author tries to analyze the optimal location - price strategy of firms, and further discusses about when the principle of maximum differentiation and the principle of minimum differentiation works.
作者 高建刚
出处 《云南财经大学学报》 2007年第1期86-91,共6页 Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
关键词 最大差异化 最小差异化 区位内生 区位外生 Principle of Maximum Differentiation Principle of Minimum Differentiation Exogenous Location Endogenous Location
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