
丁胱亚磺酰亚胺排空组织谷胱甘肽对大鼠心肌c-jun、c-fos mRNA的影响

Effects of BSO Depletion Glutathione on the Expressions of Oncogene C-jun,C-fos in Rat Heart
摘要 目的丁胱亚磺酰亚胺排空组织谷胱甘肽对大鼠心肌c-jun、c-fos mRNA的影响。方法本实验设计三种实验模型,即力竭游泳运动模型、递增负荷游泳训练模型、BSO排空GSH模型,研究三种模型对大鼠心肌中原癌基因c-jun和c-fos mRNA表达的影响,结果发现:力竭运动后训练力竭组(TE)、注射BSO力竭组(BE)、对照力竭组(CE)的大鼠心肌中c-jun mRNA表达量与相对应的训练安静组(TR)、注射BSO(BR)、对照安静组(CR)均增加,其中力竭运动后BSO力竭组的c-jun mRNA表达量高于训练力竭组,c-jun mRNA表达量训练力竭组高于对照安静组。训练组、注射BSO组、对照组进行力竭游泳运动后,大鼠心肌中c-fos安静组mRNA表达量增加。BSO力竭组的c-fos mRNA表达量高于对照力竭组。训练力竭组与对照力竭组相比c-fos mRNA表达量,没有明显变化。由上述实验结论得出,长时间力竭运动机体活性氧产生增加,c-jun mRNA和c-fos mRNA的表达量增加,进而激活转录因子AP-1。 Based on the existing documents, it was supposed that acute strenuous exercise could increase the active oxygen species concentrations, which would activate certain oxidant responding transcriptional elements, such as AP-1 and NF-κB, and inerease the GCS expression. To attest to this hypothesis, the effects of exercises on e-jun and c-fos in rats heart were tested in three models: exhaustive exercise (model 1), 10-week progressive training (model 2), depletion of GSH by injeering L-buthionine [S,R] sulfoximine (BSO) (model 3).The c-jun and c-fos mRNA in heart were tested using reverse transeription-polymerase chain reactions (RT-PCR). The results showed that c-jun and c-fos mRNA expression in heart inereased after one time exhausted exercise; c-jun mRNA expression increased and c-fos mRNA expression did not ehange after 10 weeks training. These results indicated that one time strenuous exercise produced an increase in reactive oxygen species generation and in the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α. These change can activated the transcription factors AP-1 and NF-κB.
作者 毛丽娟
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期200-202,共3页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
关键词 力竭运动 递增负荷运动训练 谷胱甘肽 AP-1 C-FOS C-JUN strenuous exercise progressive loading exercise training glutathione AP-1 c-fos c-jun
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