目前的图文办公自动化系统一般选择Lotus Notes、Exchange Server或.net作为支撑平台,使得系统的可扩展性和兼容性较差,不灵活。在分析和设计图文办公自动化系统过程中运用J2EE技术,并通过介绍该系统的表示层、业务逻辑层和数据服务层,表明J2EE技术能够为开发的系统带来显著的可移植性,可伸缩性,可复用性,安全性和可管理性。
At present, people usually chose the Lotus Notes, Exchange Server or .net as the platform of Geographical Office Automatic System, which made the System lack of extension, compatibility and flexibility. It was analyzed and designed Geographical Office Automatic System based J2EE, illuminated that the J2EE could make the System of portability, scalability, duplicatity, security and manageability through introducing the expressing layer, business logic layer and data layer.
Railway Computer Application