分析Unix、Linux和Windows NT几种操作系统中虚存管理的体系结构和运行机制,总结在目前主流操作系统虚存管理的实现中所采用的先进技术,如写时拷贝、映射文件、共享内存、懒惰算法、NUR算法等,并重点分析用户进程虚空间管理实现技术特点。
This paper analyses the design thoughts of several operating systems virtual memory architecture and their operation mechanism,such as Unix , Linux and Windows NT, and introduces some advanced ideas presented in nowadays' mainstream operating systems, for example, paging on demand, copy on write, NUR,mapped files, shared memory, etc. This paper mainly discusses the implementation techniques of user process space.
Journal of Changsha Aeronautical Vocational and Technical College