
静电场对强激光场中氢原子产生高次谐波的影响 被引量:2

Effects of static electric field on high-order harmonic generation of hydrogen atom in intense laser field
摘要 利用分裂算符方法数值求解了真实氢原子在强激光场和静电场作用下的含时薛定谔方程,研究了静电场对强激光场中氢原子产生高次谐波的影响。研究表明,静电场加入后,奇次谐波的强度有所降低,并且谐波谱中出现偶次谐波和双平台结构。利用小波变换,观察了高次谐波在不同时刻的发射情况。借助于半经典理论,解释了在静电场作用下高次谐波发生变化的机制。 The time-dependent Schr5dinger equation of realistic hydrogen atom in intense laser field and static electric field is solved by split-operator method, and the abnormal behaviors of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in intense laser field is investigated, which is caused by a static electric field. Our study indicates that intensity of odd-order harmonic generation decreases, even-order harmonic generation appears and the HHG spectrum exhibits a doubleplateau structure in the presence of a static electric field. By using wavelet transform, the emission of HHG in different time is obtained. And by means of semiclassical theory, the changes of HHG for realistic hydrogen atom in the static electric field is explained.
出处 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期194-201,共8页 Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(10274063 10674112) 教育部科技研究重点项目(03126)资助
关键词 非线性光学 高次谐波 分裂算符方法 小波变换 强激光场 静电场 nonlinear optics high-order harmonic generation split-operator method wavelettransform intense laser field static electric field
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