

Congestion Management Analysis Based on Flow Gate Rights
摘要 在电力市场竞争环境下,为了经济有效地消除输电网络阻塞,将物理输电权(FGR)引入实用的阻塞管理.通过求线路利用份额来确定发电商对阻塞的影响,再按比例分配原则进行节点电价计算,基于此进行相应的FGR费用结算.独立的系统操作员(ISO)将以保证FGR持有者传输计划的原则进行调度.这种方法在经济有效地消除阻塞的同时,充分调动了发电商参与市场调节的积极性,提高了发电商主动规避阻塞的能力,有效地稳定了电价.通过实例证明了这种引入FGR的阻塞管理的可实时性. In order to alleviate the congestion economically and effectually under the competitive circumstance of electricity market, an applied method of congestion management, which based on FGR (Flow Gate Rights), has been proposed. The share of line has been used to define the power plant' s influence on congestion. The proportional principle has been used to compute local marginal price. Then they are both used to balance the charge of FGR. The ISO ( Independent System Operator) will dispatch the system to meet the FGR holders' rights. This method is used to alleviate congestion effectually, activate power plants to take part in scheduling positively, and level off the price. An instance is used to illustrate the feasibility of this method with FGR.
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期39-41,46,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University
关键词 电力市场 阻塞管理 潮流输电权 electricity market congestion management flow gate rights
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