
Comparative study of effects of bone marrow cell vs. Ad_5-HGF administration via non-infarct-related artery injection in myocardial infarction in swine 被引量:1

Comparative study of effects of bone marrow cell vs. Ad_5-HGF administration via non-infarct-related artery injection in myocardial infarction in swine
摘要 Objective: To evaluate the effect of transplanting bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) or adenovirus5- hepatocyte growth factor(Ad5-HGF) via non-infarct-related artery injection in swine myocardial infarction models. Methods:BMMSCs were obtained from swine bone marrow and expanded in vitro to a purity of 〉50%. A myocardial infarction(MI) was created by ligating the distal left anterior descending artery in swine. Either BM-MSCs (5 × 10^6/ml) or Ad5-HGF (4 × 10^9 pfu) were transfused via the right coronary artery (non-infarcted artery) four weeks after MI. Gate-controled cardiac perfusion imaging was performed at the end of four and seven weeks after LAD ligation, to evaluate heart function and cardiac perfusion. Morphologic and histologic characteristics of the hearts were also studied. Results: (1)The gate-controlled cardiac perfusion imaging showed that the improvement in LVEF was greater in both treatment groups than in control group at the 4^th weeks. (2)In both treatment groups, capillary density was significantly higher than that of control group(P 〈 0.05). Conclusion :BM-MSCs or Ad5-HGF transplantation via non-infarcted artery administration can stimulate angiogenesis and improve heart function, but there was no difference in therapeutic efficacy between BM-MSCs and Ad5-HGF. Objective: To evaluate the effect of transplanting bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) or adenovirus5- hepatocyte growth factor(Ad5-HGF) via non-infarct-related artery injection in swine myocardial infarction models. Methods:BMMSCs were obtained from swine bone marrow and expanded in vitro to a purity of 〉50%. A myocardial infarction(MI) was created by ligating the distal left anterior descending artery in swine. Either BM-MSCs (5 × 10^6/ml) or Ad5-HGF (4 × 10^9 pfu) were transfused via the right coronary artery (non-infarcted artery) four weeks after MI. Gate-controled cardiac perfusion imaging was performed at the end of four and seven weeks after LAD ligation, to evaluate heart function and cardiac perfusion. Morphologic and histologic characteristics of the hearts were also studied. Results: (1)The gate-controlled cardiac perfusion imaging showed that the improvement in LVEF was greater in both treatment groups than in control group at the 4^th weeks. (2)In both treatment groups, capillary density was significantly higher than that of control group(P 〈 0.05). Conclusion :BM-MSCs or Ad5-HGF transplantation via non-infarcted artery administration can stimulate angiogenesis and improve heart function, but there was no difference in therapeutic efficacy between BM-MSCs and Ad5-HGF.
出处 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2007年第2期72-76,共5页 南京医科大学学报(英文版)
关键词 Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells hepatocyte growth factor ANGIOGENESIS Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells hepatocyte growth factor angiogenesis
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