The primary screening work of somatic variants which were resistant to ethionine (ETH) was conducted. The Trekl, a high-regenerating cell line, was used as the screening material in this test. After they were treated by γ-ray with 2 、4and 6 KR respectively, the calli were trans-fered on the solid and in liquid screenig media which contained different concentrations of ETH.Through. subculturing the calli on/in the same medium for three months, the levels of sulfur-con-taining amino acids in ETH-resistant calli were increaed by 1. O5 ~ 1. 80 folds as much as those in CK calli. And it appeared that the SCAA concpntrations would be increased with the increasing of ETH concentrations within the range of 0. 02 ~ 1. OOmM ETH in medium. The plantlets derived from the ETH-resistant calli screened under 0. 02 and 0. 1 mM ETH levels were obtained. The concentrations of SCAA in the plantlets were 1. 83 and 4 - 17 folds higher than these CK plantlets.The results indicated that it would be a possible breeding route to improve the alfalfa quality by in vitro somatic variant selection.
Acta Agrestia Sinica