
农村儿童为何失学?——基于多层模型的经验研究 被引量:17

Why So Many Rural Children Leave School? ——An Empirical Study with Multilevel Model
摘要 我国农村基础教育已经取得了很大进展,但农村儿童失学现象仍然比较普遍。分析影响农村儿童失学的因素,探究减少农村儿童失学现象和加快农村人力资本积累的有效途径,将有助于更好地实现教育公平,从长远来看则有利于提高农民收入和加快农村发展。在以往的研究中,影响儿童失学的个体层面因素和社区层面因素被简单地放在一个模型中分析,不能准确地估计出这两个层面的因素对儿童失学的影响。运用分层线性模型则能够有效避免这一问题。研究发现:儿童入学在整体上已不存在性别差异,但女孩入学受到的限制更大,即更依赖于家庭经济条件;家中有兄弟姐妹、父亲为少数民族、母亲文化程度较低、母亲不曾加入过共青团以及家庭经济条件较差的儿童面临更高的失学可能性;富裕村的儿童失学的可能性要小,村中学校教育质量较高有助于提高儿童的入学机会。因此,应进一步加大对农村基础教育阶段贫困儿童的资助,放缓削减学校布点的步伐,提高教育质量,以减少农村儿童失学。 Hierarchical Liner Model is employed in this paper to explore the determinants of children's educational enrollment decision both at the individual level and at the community level. This present author collected data in rural Yunnan in 2004 and found that (i) there is no significant gender deference in children's schooling in rural area, but girls' enrollment are more sensitive to family economic status; (ii) a child's educational attainment is affected by presence of siblings and Hanzu father, mothers' education level and experience of Communist Youth League, and family economic status; (iii) children who live in a village with higher income per capita or higher teacher- student ratio, will less likely drop out from school. So the paper proposes that the local governments should provide more finaneial aid to poor rural children and slow down the pace of reducing school numbers in the rural area.
作者 刘泽云
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期70-80,共11页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 耶鲁大学Cheng-Lee Endowment的资助
关键词 儿童入学 农村教育 分层线性模型 children's schooling rural education Hierarchical Liner Model
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