Authors have been investgated and analyzed the Soil physicochemical characteristics in differentlogged areas of the coniferous and broad leaved mixed forest.the artificial Dahurian larch forest and the broadleaved mixed forest,which are located in the east forest reqion of Jilin province-South part of Zhang GuangcaiRidge of Changbai Mountain,The researching results revealed that the Soil nutriects in the different logged ar-eas have obvious differences. The organic matters.full nitrogen、hydrolysis nitrogen contents are higher in se-lect cutting areas than those in the clear cutting areas and higher in the coniferous and broad leaved mixed for-est and the artificial Dahurian larch forest than those in the broad leaved mixed forest;The quick resultspotassium contents are higher in clear cutting areas than in the select cutting areas and the reserve strips;Thequick resuIts potassium and phosphorics contents have no reqularity in the coniferous and broad leaved mixedforest,and are higher in the select cutting broad leaved mixed forest and the artifical Dahurian larch forestthan that those in the select cutting’s and the reserve strips,and are higher in the clear cutting’s.The litterthickness is higher in select cutting areas than in the clear cutting areas. In the same stand,along with the timechanges after logging,the quick results phosphorus and potassium are gradually reduced; Organic matter con-tents are gradually increased in the select cutting coniferous and broad leaved mixed forest and artificialDahurian larch forest,and gradually reduced in the clear cutting’s. But it’ s reduced in clear cutting and selectcutting broad leaved mixed forest;The PH-values are gradually increased in the coniferous and broad leavedmixed forest and the broad leaved mixed forest, and the hydrolysis acid is gradually reduced, pH-values isgradually reduced in the artificial Dahurian larch forest.