Consuming commodities and achieving well-being is, obviously, closely connected. This paper investigates how and under what conditions commodities contribute to our well-being. The discussion is based on philosophical theories of well-being and leads to some concrete policy recommendations interpretation of well-being as the The argument proceeds from the satisfaction of preferences. It is, however, not dependent on this view but works equally well for alternative conceptions of well-being. A person's well-being is defined as what is in her interest. Achieving what we want must play an important role for our well-being. Yet, it will only make us do better if we achieve what we ultimately, not instrumentally, prefer. And we often make mistakes when trying to achieve these ultimate goals. Looking at the steps where consumption errors occur provides an insight into the consumption process. These are the causal links that connect our instrumental preferences for commodities to our ultimate preferences. Sometimes we make mistakes because we have false beliefs about the characteristics of a commodity, sometimes about our ability to use the commodity for our purposes. The ultimate purpose of consumption is to be able to do or be something, such as learning or being healthy. The consumption process can then be described as a conversion of the characteristics of commodities into these doings and beings, our 'functionings'. This definition of the consumption process provides two conditions for a positive contribution of commodities to well-being: ( 1 ) A commodity's characteristics must contribute to some valuable functioning and ( 2 ) the consumer must have the ability to convert these characteristics into some valuable functioning. These conditions can help direct public policy, for example, by placing an emphasis on educating consumers to make better choices and thereby to improve their well-being. Moreover, it becomes clear that the provision of commodities will only alleviate poverty if it addresses people's basic functionlngs within their specific contexts. Understanding the relationship between commodities and well-being is therefore key in devising more effective policies; this study is a step in that direction.
China Management Studies