An accurate statistical analysis of existing and potential bio-diesel resources in China needs to be developed to determine the prospects for the bio-diesel industry. Oil plants need to be cultivated as a major raw material for bio-diesel. For waste oil,another major raw material,a complete legal system needs to be established for managing the entire chain of waste oil generation,collection and processing. New technologies should be encouraged for using waste oil in bio-diesel production. A balance of competition and cooperation needs to be kept among the big three oil companies,between them and private oil companies and between state-owned and foreign-controlled oil companies,and national bio-diesel standards should be developed soon. Additional effort should also be made to limit the export of bio-diesel,and to draw upon the know-how of the big three oil companies in oil refining and oil equipment manufacturing to sharpen China's edge in bio-diesel technology and equipment,and the State should continue providing financial support to the bio-diesel industry in the form of indirect subsidies. The impact of oil price fluctuations on the industry should be watched while expanding bio-diesel equipment manufacturing and technical services to assure fast and sound development of the industry.
International Petroleum Economics