This article reports 10 cases of reticulohistiocytosis,including 1 case of multicentric reticulocytosis (MR) and 9 cases of reticulohistiocytic granuloma (RG). Sex ratio of male to female was 3:2, and the patient's average age was 35. 8 years old. The skin lesions composed of dark reddish patches, papules, nodules and atrophic patches. The joints and the bone also were involved in MR. Histopathologically, the dermis was involved by a large amount of histiocytes, monocytes or multinucleated giant cells that showed abundant eosinophilic, fine granular cytoplasm with a ' ground-glass' appearance. The cytoplasm was strongly PAS Positive. Immunohistochemical studies showed positivity of lysozyme, bone marrow/histiocyte antigen (MAC387),vimentin and α1-an-titrypsin. The clinicopathological features, differential diagnosis and etiology of the disease were also discussed.
Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology