目的了解2型糖尿病大血管病变患者超敏C-反应蛋白(hsC-RP)及白细胞介素-6(IL-6)血浆浓度变化及意义。方法于2005年3月 ̄2006年3月,选择我科2型糖尿病大血管病变组39例,2型糖尿病无大血管病变组48例,正常对照组35例,测定其血浆hsC-RP及IL-6水平,同时测定糖尿病患者的血糖、HbA1c、血脂、血压等指标,比较hsC-RP、IL-6等浓度变化,分析其影响因素。结果正常对照组、2型糖尿病无大血管病变组、2型糖尿病有大血管病变组hsC-RP、IL-6浓度依次升高,hsC-RP分别为(0.75±0.27)g/L、(2.12±0.63)g/L、(4.32±1.37)g/L,每组间差异均有显著意义(P<0.01),IL-6分别为(2.17±0.48)pg/ml、(4.21±0.64)pg/ml、(7.42±1.21)pg/ml,每组间差异均有显著意义(P<0.01);其中2型糖尿病合并颈动脉增厚组,hsC-RP又明显高于2型糖尿病无颈动脉增厚者(P<0.01)。结论炎症相关标志物hsC-RP及IL-6浓度水平在2型糖尿病患者中明显升高,2型糖尿病合并大血管病变患者升高更明显,提示在2型糖尿病合并大血管病变患者发病因素中,hsC-RP及IL-6水平的升高有相当重要的关系。
Objective To investigate the correlation between the inflammation related factors and macrovascular complication in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods Thirty-nine cases of type 2 diabetic patients with macrovascular complication, forty eight cases of type 2 diabetic patients without macrovascular complications and thirty five healthy people were investigated. Plasma hypersensitive C reactive protein (hsC-RP) and Interleukin-6(IL-6) were measured. Meanwhile, the levels of blood pressure, plasma glucose, lipids and HbAlc were measured. The plasma hsC-RP and IL-6 were analyzed. Results Plasma hsC-RP and IL-6 levels in the group of type 2 diabetic with macrovascular complications were higher than that in the group of type 2 diabetic without macrovascular complications and were the highest in three groups. The plasma hsC-RP levels of these three groups were (0.75±0.27) g/L, (2.12±0.63) g/L, (4.32±1.37) g/L, respectively. The plasma IL-6 levels of these three groups were (2.17±0.48) pg/ml, (4.21±0.64) pg/ml, (7.42±1.21) pg/ml, respectively.The differences among the three groups were statistically significant (P〈0.01). Meanwhile the plasma hsC-RP and IL-6 levels of type 2 diabetic patients with increased carotid IMT were higher than type 2 diabetic patients without increased carotid IMT (P〈0.01). Conclusion The levels of plasma hsC-RP and IL-6 in type 2 diabetic patients significantly increased and even more in type 2 diabetic patients with macrovascular complications. The inflammation related factors are related to the macrovascular complications in type 2 diabetic patients.
Modern Medicine Journal of China
Diabetes Macrovascular complications High-sensitivity C-reactive protein lnterleukin-6