
一种高安全和易共享的数据库加密方案 被引量:5

Database Encryption Scheme for Enhanced Security and Easy Sharing
摘要 提出一种新的数据库加密方案,该方案借鉴PGP加密算法的设计思想,在保证数据库中数据私密性的同时又为数据库提供了方便的数据共享。它综合了传统加密算法的快速高效和公钥加密算法进行密钥分发便捷的优点,为关键敏感数据提供了安全的存储环境,为密钥提供了高效的管理。该方案已在面向航天系统的国产数据库管理系统Oscarv5.1中取得成功应用。 Inspired by the PGP technique, a novel database encryption scheme was proposed for enhanced data sharing inside a database, while preserving data privacy. It was characterized by both the fast speed of the conventional encryption and the convenience of key distribution of public key encryption. It also provided secured storage for sensitive data and effective key management. The scheme had been implemented and successfully applied on Oscar v5.1, a DBMS developed for aerospace application.
作者 朱静波
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期128-131,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2004AA4Z3010)
关键词 数据库加密 私密性 共享 安全目录 公钥环 database encryption confidentiality sharing security catalog public key ring
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