
快堆堆芯水平抗震分析的单组件初步分析 被引量:6

Single Assembly Preliminary Analysis for Horizontal Seismic Analysis on Fast Breeder Reactor Core
摘要 快堆堆芯抗震分析是堆芯设计的重要组成部分,它将为堆芯在地震作用下的结构完整性评价和堆芯反应性变化分析提供必要的数据,同时为控制棒的可插入性评价提供参考。本文采用有限元程序FINAS,以中国实验快堆为例,对快堆堆芯水平抗震的计算方法和模型进行研究,进行了单组件初步分析,其中包括模态分析、自由振动分析和与刚性墙壁的碰撞分析,为堆芯多组件水平抗震分析作好了准备。 Seismic analysis is one of important parts of fast breeder reactor (FBR)core design. It is necessary for structural integrity assessment and analysis of variation of reactivity under the earthquake. Moreover some important data for qualification of the scram capability of the control rods during the earthquake could be provided. In the paper, FINAS, one finite element code developed by Japanese engineers, was used. The calculation model and method were studied on single assembly in China Experimental Fast Reactor(CEFR), as an example. Some preliminary analyses were carried out, which prepare for the seismic analysis on multiple assemblies in FBR core.
作者 文静 陆道纲
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期148-152,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 中国实验快堆 堆芯 抗震分析 FINAS程序 China Experimental Fast Reactor core seismic analysis FINAS code
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