
先进压水堆核电厂保护系统需求分析的层次结构 被引量:3

Hiberarchy of Requirement Analysis of Reactor Protection System for Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant
摘要 为提高核电厂的安全性和运行裕量,本工作在已有技术的基础上自主进行核电厂数字化保护系统需求分析,完成需求分析报告。需求分析报告采用1种三等级的金字塔式层次结构,该结构可直观阐明先进压水堆核电厂数字化保护系统的设计特性和逻辑实现。 In order to improve the security and the margin of safety of nuclear power plant, the research on requirement analysis of digital reactor protection system for advanced pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant was developed. Based on the known technology, a requirement analysis report was performed. A kind of three-levels pyramidal hierarchy was adopted in the requirement analysis, and the design characteristics of the requirement analysis were described in the analysis report. This hiberarchy can directly illuminate the design characters and logical achievement of the requirement analysis for advanced pressurized water reactor digital protection system.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期215-218,共4页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 先进压水堆 数字化保护系统 需求分析 advanced pressurized water reactors digital reactor protection system requirement analysis
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