目的 分析直立倾斜试验中心脏停搏引起的严重反应。方法 采用基础倾斜(BHUT)及舌下含服硝酸甘油激发试验(SNHUT)。结果 心脏停搏5s以上致严重反应54例。BHUT6例、SNHUT48例;心脏抑制型30例,混合型24例;心脏停搏时间5.1—10s32例,〉10s22例;青少年(〈18岁)9例,成年人(至18岁)45例。严重反应在不同性别、年龄组,BHUT与SNHUT组间无显著差异(P〉0.05)。HUTT中81.48%严重反应在达到最快心率后5min内发生,SNHUT组发生率大于BHUT组(P〈0.05)。结论 直立倾斜试验虽然是无创性检查,仍屡有严重反应发生。心率明显增快时要警惕严重反应发生。应积极预防和处理严重阳性反应。
Objective To discuss the serious responsiveness induced by asystole during tilt table test (HUTT). Methods Patients with unexplained syncope who accepted head- up tilt table test (BHUT) at 70 degrees with power tilt table. Negative cases of them were given sublingual glyceryl trinitrate 0. 3mg and accepted sublingual nitroglycerin head -up tilt table test (SNHUT). Results Serious responsiveness occurred in 54 cases with asystole for more than 5seconds. 6 of them were in BHUT, 48 in SNHUT; 30 cases were inhibitory pattern, 24 mixed pattern;The time of asystole 5. 1 - 10s happened in 32 cases, and 〉 10s happened in 22 cases. There was no difference in different age groups, gender groups and methods groups( P 〉0. 05). 44 cases(81.48% ) of HUTT occurred in 5min after the heart rate arrived the fastest( P 〈0. 05 ). Condusion responsivenss. Serious positive response should be Although non -invasive, HUTT may result in serious prevented and managed in time.
Journal of Medical Forum