Indoor tank investigations were made in December, 1993, on the structure and function of the ampullae on the ventral part of the snout of Chinesesturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray) collected from the Chinese Sturgeon ArtificialPropagation Research Institute (Yichang County, Hubei Province) by scanningand transmission electron microscopical examination and observing its response tovarious stimuli.The ventral part of the Chinese sturgeon's snout has numerous ampullae. Theampullary organs have a sensory cell very similar to that found in the Lorenalnianampulla, an electroreceptor found in marine Elasmobranchs. The sensory cells arepearshaped with single cilium on the center of their sharp ends.The conclusion that these organs are electroreceptors is supported by the findings that the fish responds to the introduction of an iron bar, whereas a plasticbar introduced in the same way causes no response. Chinese sturgeon was observed to bite an iron wire or to suck iron powders, but did not respond toTubifex worm juice, while live worms are natural food of the fish,Sturgeons feed on the bottom by sucking and are generally thought to detectfood by their barbels where very few taste buds are found. lt indicates that Chinese sturgeon may feed mainly by electroreception of the ampullae on theventral part of its snout, and that the gustatory sense of the barbels does not playan important role in feeding.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica