The present paper reports results of a taxonomic study of three newspecies of Chinese. Sargassum belonging to the Species Group Binderia ofSubsection Glomerulatae, namely: Sargassum intermedium Tseng et Lu sp. nov.,Sargassum qionghaiense Tseng et Lu sp. nov, and Sargassum erumpens Tseng etLu sp. nov. The type specimens are all deposited in the Herbarium of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science, at Qingdao China.Sargassum intermedium Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its;slender and linear leaves, entire or dentate at the margin; absence of, or obscuremidrib; its vesicles being elliptical to subspherical when young, spherical when mature; its receptacles being compressed above and subcylindrical below, with elongated spinulate at the apex, a few in the laterals. It is related to S. acutifolium(Greville, 1848) differing in its leaves with obscure or no midrib and itsvesicles, spherical when mature.Sargassum qionghaiense Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by its flattened primary branches, broad below, narrower above; shorter and narrower,compressed, secondary branches; membranous leaves, thin and broad-lanceolate,obtuse at the apex, obliquely cuneate at the base, denticulate at the margin,midrib being percurrent, obscure, with conspicuous, slightly raised, irregularly scattered cryptostomata. Vesicles small, subspherical when young, sphericalwhen mature, mucronate or rounded at the apices, and foliaceous with midribpedicels, entire or dentate at the margins. Plant androgynous. Receptacles flattened, ususlly forked, conspicuously spinulose at the apices and the sides, severalin glomerules. The new species,is related to S. binderi (J. Agardh, 1848 ), differing in its broad-lanceolate, thinner leaves, usually obtuse at the apex, with obscure midrib, smaller vesicles, smaller flattened receptacles.Sareassum erumpens Tseng et Lu sp. nov. is characterized by (1) brancheswith raised open glandules; (2) leaves oblong to lanceolate, with a few raisedopen conspicuous cryptostomata: (3) vesicles spherical, with conspicuous raisedopen cryptostomata; (4) receptacles subcylindrical to slightly compressed, cymoselyarranged in glomerutate. It is closely related to Sxishaense (Tseng C. K., LuBaoren, 1979), but differs in its oblong leaves, furcate receptacles, cymosely arranged in glomerulate. The latter has large lanceolate leaves and biserrulus receptacles.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Species group binderia
New species