

Study on Simulation of Welding Thermal Effect on Auto-body Closure Panels Fitting
摘要 车门匹配质量直接影响整车综合质量,而焊接热效应对匹配具有重要影响。针对以往单纯从几何上研究最优匹配的不足,面向匹配过程数学抽象,通过直接耦合法和顺序增量耦合法交互,建立了匹配焊接过程数值仿真模型,实现焊接过程多物理场解耦分析。同时在ANSYS平台上基于APDL的人工二次开发算法,完成车门匹配焊接热效应影响的仿真研究。实际应用表明:通过该方法可以便捷获得焊接热效应影响,将该影响计入匹配过程有助于车门匹配质量和精度的持续提高。 Closure panels fitting like auto door assemblage has crucial influences on vehicle functional quality and welding thermal effects are inneglectable factors on best panel fitting. However, previous researches focus only on geometrical factors, Facing on the mathematical formalization of panels best fitting, a numerical simulation model for the closure panels welding process was proposed, which made interactive use of the direct couple method and sequential incremental coupled method. And an ANSYS-APDL-based algorithm was also proposed, realizing decouple of the thermal-electrical-structural coupled process and automatical nmning of the simulation process. Actual application indicates that welding thermal effects on closure panels fitting can be got by numerical simulation, which helps continuous improvement for fitting quality.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1186-1188,1195,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(50605048) 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划资助(2006KJ038)
关键词 车门 焊接热效应 匹配优化 数值仿真 auto-body door welding thermal effect panel fitting optimization numerical simulation
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