
循环经济的进一步认识 被引量:1

Rethinking about Circular Economy
摘要 通过对循环经济和生态经济的对比,以及对现实中如技术全程和末端区分、循环的优势和劣势等诸多问题的剖析,提出了实现我国真正意义上循环经济的对策。 At present, some misunderstanding or misconceptions about what is the circular economy and how it should be practised in China's specific circumstance can be largely detected, such phenomenon, if left unnoticed, may affect the healthy developments of growing circular economy. Through the comparison of the circular economy and ecological economy, and in-depthanalysis of the emerging problems with the current practice, for example, assessments from the point of full-life and end-pipe technology, and advantage and disadvantage of recycling process, some useful comments and suggestions have been proposed for the government and policy-makers, to help achieve the objectives of circular economy in its true sense.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第11期113-118,共6页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地基金资助(05JJD630035)
关键词 循环经济 生态经济 全程技术 末端技术 再认识 circular economy ecological economy full-life technology end-pipe technology rethinking
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