
极紫外阿秒脉冲在高次谐波产生过程中引起的非偶极效应 被引量:2

Nondipole effects in high-order harmonic generation induced by extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse
摘要 当红外强激光和极紫外(XUV)阿秒脉冲共同作用于原子分子时,电离出去的电子通常会吸收和辐射激光光子而发生能量扩展.讨论了由于XUV阿秒脉冲的短波长与扩展后的电子波包尺度可相比拟时在高次谐波产生过程中引起的非偶极效应.采用H2+作为模型分子,并把分子轴置于激光场的传播方向,通过解二维含时薛定谔方程并比较考虑非偶极效应和采用偶极近似两种方法计算得到的结果,两者相比,前者的谐波强度降低,谐波频率向低级次稍有移动,电子能谱的能带内出现了更多的光电子峰.在相同的光电子能量处,两种方法计算得到的信号强度相差2—5倍.并且这种非偶极效应随着红外基频光光强的增大而增强,随阿秒脉冲波长的增大而减弱. When intense infrared laser and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attoseeond pulse interact with an atom or molecule, the released eleetrons generally suffer a spread of energies due to the absorption and emission of laser photons. The nondipole effeets in the high-order harmonie generation eaused by the short wavelength of XUV attoseeond pulse whieh is eomparable to the seale of spreading eleetron wavepaeket are discussed in this paper. The H2^+ ion as a model moleeule is assumed to be aligned along the propagation direetion of the laser field. By solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Sehroedinger equation and eomparing the results taking aeeount of nondipole effeets with those under the dipole approximation, we find that intensity of the former harmonie yield is lower than that of the latter with a shift of the frequency towards lower order harmonies, and that more photoelectron peaks appear in the energy band of the photoelectron speetrum and the difference of their signal intensity at the same photoeleetron energy is 2-5-fold. The results of numerieal simulation also show that the nondipole effeets are enhaneed with the infrared laser field strength inereasing and are weakened with the wavelength of attoseeond pulse inereasing.
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期2243-2249,共7页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:60578049 10523003) 上海市科学技术委员会基础研究重大项目资助的课题.~~
关键词 非偶极效应 光场空间不均匀性 阿秒脉冲 高次谐波产生 nondipole effects, spatial nonuniformity of the laser pulse, attosecond pulse, high-order harmonic generation
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