Ordos 盆经历了将近油气体探索 sinceChina 的一个世纪“ s 首先给探索的井(Yan-1 井) 上油在 Yanchang 县在 1907 被钻, ShaanxiProvince。好前景为支撑,油和气体的稳定的开发是从而,努力上的 openedbased 由石油地质学家和油工人的代做了。特别 inrecent 在盆的 10 年,石油地质学家和油工人常常解放了 theirmind 并且开发了新技术解决复杂低渗透油气体的地质的问题 andtechnical 问题探索。三主要突破是连续地北 Shaanxi 省,东方 Longdong (Gansu 省) 的 Xifeng 区域,和在北 Shaanxi 和东方 Gansu 之间的 Jiyuan 区域的 achievedin Zhi (dan ) Jing (bian )-Ansai 区域。Ansai, Jing “一,有 1 亿大量油储备的 Xifeng,和 Jiyuan 油矿各是在另外一个,新年度另外的储备在超过了 1 亿 tonsfor 以后的 discoveredone 十连续的年。在 2004 底, 36 个油矿的一个总数在 thebasin 被发现了,在哪个证明油地质,储备到达了 13.1972 亿吨(排除的 YanchangOilfield ) 。
Ordos Basin has experienced nearly a century of oil-gas exploration since China's first oil exploratory well (Yan-1 well) was drilled in 1907 in Yanchang County, Shaanxi Province. A good prospect for sustained and steady development of oil and gas was thereby opened based on the efforts made by generations of petroleum geologists and oil workers. Especially in recent 10 years, petroleum geologists and oil workers in the basin have constantly emancipated their mind and developed new technologies to solve the complex low permeability geological issues and technical problems of oil-gas exploration. Three major breakthroughs have been successively achieved in Zhi(dan)Jing(bian)-Ansai area of northern Shaanxi Province, Xifeng area of eastern Longdong ( Gansu Province), and Jiyuan region between northern Shaanxi and Eastern Gansu. Ansai, Jing'an, Xifeng, and Jiyuan oilfields with a hundred million tons of oil reserves each have been discovered one after another, in which the new annual additional reserves have topped one hundred million tons for ten consecutive years. By the end of 2004, a total of 36 oilfields have been discovered in the basin, in which proved oil geologic reserves reached 1.31972 billion tons (excluding Yanchang Oilfield).