
一种空时联合的自适应波束形成算法 被引量:1

Space-Time Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm with High Performance
摘要 为了进一步提高传统最优空时滤波算法的性能,提出了一种新的空时联合的自适应波束形成算法。在给出算法的信号模型和算法原理的基础上,详细地阐述了该算法实现空时联合自适应滤波的机理,然后利用计算机仿真较全面地分析和比较了算法的性能。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法在提高输出信干噪比和削弱指向误差影响等方面明显优于传统的最优空时滤波方法。 To improve the performance of the traditional optimum space-time filtering algorithm, a novel space-time adaptive beamforming algorithm is presented. The signal model and the basic idea of the proposed algorithm are given, and then the principle of space-time adaptive filtering is discussed. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed algorithm is fully analyzed and compared with numerical simulations. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the SINR and reduce the effect of pointingerror. Thus it obviously outperforms traditional optimum space-time filtering approach.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期42-48,共7页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 安徽省自然科学基金(050420209)资助项目
关键词 空时滤波 自适应波束形成 特征空间 space-time filtering adaptive beamforming eigenspace
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