2F. Allan Hanson, Suits for Wrongful Life, Counterfactuals, and the Nonexistence Problem, 5 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law, Journal, winter 1996, p. 3.
3A. M. Duguet, Wrongful life: The Recent French Cour De Cassation Decisions, European Journal of Health Law 9, 2002,p. 141,145.
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7Julie Ewing, Case Note: The Perruche Case, 4 Journal of Law Family Studies, 2002, p. 321.
8Anthony Jackson, Action for Wrongful Life, Wrongful Pregnancy, and Wrongful Birth in the United States and England, 17 Loyola of Los Angeles International Comparative Journal, April 1995, p. 540.
9Curlender v. Bio-Science Laboratories, 106 Cal. App. 3d 811, 165 Cal. Rptr. 477 (1980).
10Jason Skolnik, Compensating a California Wrongful Life Plaintiff for General Damages and Lost Earning Capcity, 36 Loyola of Angeles Law Review, summer 2003, p. 1681.