
孤独的牧歌:高乔诗歌 被引量:2

摘要 高乔人是十七到十九世纪出现在阿根廷和乌拉圭草原地区的游牧民。他们英勇彪悍、放荡不羁的个性激发了诗人们的兴趣,由此诞生了以讲述高乔人苦难生活为主题的作品。高乔诗歌的代表作是何塞·埃尔南德斯的《马丁·菲耶罗》,被奉为阿根廷民族史诗,也是西班牙语文学的瑰宝。高乔诗歌发展的巅峰是十九世纪中后期。随着工业文明的推进,游牧民逐渐定居下来,成为农业工人或城市贫民,高乔诗歌也从此成为绝唱。 The gauchos were nomadic shepherds living in the Pampas of Argentina and pasture of Uruguay From the 17th to the 19th century. Their unique way of life inspired poets' interest in the creation of the gaucho poetry, which narrates the lives and feelings of the people. Martfn Fierro, the most representative piece of gaucho poetry, written by Jos6 Fernandez, is considered "Argentine national epic". The summit of the development of gaucho poetry was in the middle of 19th century. Along with the development of the industrial society, the gauchos were extinzuished as nomadic shepherds and the Gaucho Poetry also played the swan song.
作者 陈宁
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2007年第2期50-53,共4页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 高乔诗歌 博尔赫斯 《马丁·菲耶罗》 阿根廷文学 民族史诗 Gaucho poetry, J. L. Borges, Martin Fierro, the Argentine literature, national epic
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  • 6[8]Octavio Paz,La llama doble[M].Barcelona,Seix Barral,2005:5.


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