

A New Driving Waveform of Improving Brightness and Contrast of PDP
摘要 PDP由显示屏体和电路组成,电路驱动屏体,从而产生多彩的图像。介绍一种提高AC-PDP的对比度和亮度的驱动波形。在初始期,新的初始波形能提高对比度和分辨率,也能降低寻址电压。在维持期,新波形的脉冲可以减少自擦除放电,从而提高发光效率。接着提出对该驱动波形的进一步改进。最后给出了采用该驱动波形的42英寸PDP测得的实验结果,证实了这两种新波形的可行性。 PDP is conclude of panel and circuit . The circuit drives the panel. A new driving waveform is presented to improve contrast and luminance of AC- PDP. The new waveform can improve the contrast and resolution in initiate period, can decrease the addressing voltage,and also can decrease the self-erasing discharge. At last, the experiment result by using the new waveform is given.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2007年第8期30-32,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 宁波市科技攻关项目(01J202002-2)
关键词 AC-PDP 线性斜坡驱动波形 ADS技术 亮度 AC - PDP linear - ramp waveform ADS brightness
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