在诸如核电站等放射性场所,需要γ射线测量仪检测环境的辐射是否超标,保护工作人员的安全。介绍一种用于测量环境中γ射线的手持仪器,探头负责采集高低量程盖革-弥勒计数管的脉冲输出,通过RS 485总线传输到主机,主机根据设定参数运算得到剂量率结果并显示到液晶上。阐述了电路原理和量程切换的方法。
For the purpose of protecting people who work in radioactive environment, such as nuclear power plant,Gamma dose - rate meters are used to monitor radioactivity. A dose - rate meter is introduced in this paper, the detecter counts the out put of GM tube and then send to the master via RS 485 bus. The master calculats the dose - rate and dispplay on LCD. The principle of circuit and range switch method are introduced.
Modern Electronics Technique