选取陕西省耀州区3个不同海拔高度(A点1 152 m,B点1 096 m,C点818 m)的葡萄园,对其葡萄与葡萄酒进行了成分分析和感官鉴定。结果表明,各点葡萄浆果含糖量以B点最高,A点最低;含酸量山地高于平地,山地上随海拔的升高而增加,糖酸比山地小于平地,在山地上随海拔的升高而递减;单宁含量以B点最高,C点最低。葡萄酒酒精发酵进程无明显差异,发酵趋势基本一致,发酵彻底,残糖均在2 g/L以下。葡萄酒的酒精度、总酸含量及单宁含量的变化趋势分别与浆果含糖量、含酸量和单宁含量相一致。山地葡萄酒的感官质量优于平地,在山地上又以海拔较低处优于海拔较高处。
3 vineyards with different altitudes in Yao County of Shaanxi Province were chosen to study ingredients of the Cabernet Sauvignon and to evaluate the sensory qualities of wine. The results showed that the sugar content of grapes in test site B was the highest, in test site A the lowest. From test site C to A the acid content increased, the sugar acid ratio decreased. The tannins content of grapes in test site B was the highest and in test site C the lowest. There was no difference in alcohol fermentation progress between different test sites. The change tendency of wine alcohol, total acid and tannins content was consistent with grape quality in different test sites. Based on chemical analysis and sensory identification, the grape and wine quality of hillside vineyard was apparently better than that of flat vineyard, lower altitude on hillside was beneficial to the grape and wine quality.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas