
太平洋悬浮体特征及近底雾状层(雾浊层)探讨 被引量:6

Characteristics of suspended particles in the Pacific Ocean and discussion about near-bottom marine nepheloid layers
摘要 2005年在太平洋12个测站分层采集了悬浮体水样及连续的水体温度、盐度、深度等数据.利用水体悬浮体含量在垂向上的分布特征初步分析了大洋雾状层的特点,并讨论了水体中悬浮体颗粒物质的来源,对不同海洋环境中悬浮体分布进行了对比,发现大洋水体中悬浮体含量总体很小,一般不超过0.30 mg/dm3,但在一定水层内悬浮体含量相对较高,形成雾状层.雾状层在大洋内广泛分布,一般以表层雾状层和近底雾状层形式存在.大洋水体中悬浮体颗粒物来源广泛.表层雾状层的形成主要受透光层内生物作用的影响,而底质沉积物的再悬浮是影响底部雾状层形成的重要因素.因受水体物理海洋环境和物质来源的影响,不同区域水体中悬浮体含量不同,雾状层的分布不同.海山顶部受水流及岩石基底影响雾状层分布不明显,海山底部与开辟区洋盆海域雾状层更普遍.开辟区东西区由于物源差异水体中悬浮体含量差别明显,靠近火山喷口的西区水体中悬浮体含量明显高于东区的. Data of water depth, temperature, salinity and suspended particles samples at 12 stations in the Pacific Ocean were collected in 2005. According to the vertical distribution of suspended particles concentration, the distributing characteristics of marine nepheloid layers are primarily analyzed and compared in different marine conditions, and origins of these particulate matter are discussed. The concentration of suspended particles in an ocean water volume is very low, generally less than 0.3 mg/dm^3. While in some layers the concentration of suspended particles is relatively high, then the nepheloid layers are formed. In the oceans, they generally occur as surface and near-bottom nepheloid layers everywhere. The formation of surface nepheloid layers is mostly influenced by euphoric biology, while the resuspension of bottom sedi- ments plays an important role on the formation of near-bottom nepheloid layers. At the top of seamounts, there are no nepheloid layers because of formation influence of water current and rock base, while the nepheloid layers occur more frequently at the bottom and the China Pioneer Area. In the western China Pioneer Area near volcanic orifices, the concentration of suspended particles is higher than that in the eastern.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期74-81,共8页
基金 中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会环境研究与评价项目资助(DY105-02-07)
关键词 悬浮体含量 大洋雾状层 太平洋 物质来源 suspended particles marine nepheloid layers Pacific Ocean source
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