
非破坏性牧草产量测定法在天然草地中的应用研究 被引量:4

A Nondestructive Method for Measuring Herbage Mass in Steppe
摘要 采用落盘式测草盘在休闲草地、轮牧草地和连续放牧草地进行了测产试验.结果表明,在天然草地中使用非破坏性的落盘式测草仪测定牧草产量是可行的,牧草压缩高度和牧草产量具有良好的回归关系(r2=0.64-0.90),平均每1 cm压缩高度相当于69-250 kg/hm2的牧草产量. Herbage mass is a function of sward height and density. A rise-plate meter was used as a nondestructive method to measure herbage mass in steppe by rotational grazing, continuous grazing or without grazing. The results showed that the rise-plate meter could be used to measure the herbage mass in natural steppe, because there were good regressive relation between the herbage mass and the compressed sward high (r^2 is 0. 63 -0. 90) under different utilization of the pasture. One centimeter of compressed sward height related about 69 - 252 kg/hm^2 of herbage mass.
出处 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期13-16,共4页 Journal of South China Agricultural University
基金 国家科技部"十五"国家重点攻关项目"北方牧区现代化奶业生产技术集成与示范"(2002BA518A14-4)
关键词 牧草压缩高度 测产盘 牧草产量 天然草地 compressed sward height rise-plate meter herbage mass steppe
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