Unit's crime exists and generally gives oneself up and especially gives oneself up. Legal representative including unit of main body giving oneself up in unit's crime, Directly responsible other persons in charge and authorizing by the unit to entrust other direct persons liable who gave oneself up to the police. After unit's crime, legal representative and other directly responsible persons in charge give oneself up to the police automatically, state crime fact of the unit and me accurately, can assert the unit gives oneself up. Other direct persons liable give oneself up to the police automatically , state crime fact of the unit and me accurately , whether the unit is established and cant treat to give oneself up as the same. Unit crime gives oneself up and is tenable, should according to crime unit legal representative, responsible other person in charge and other direct person liable different behavior behind the crime assert separately directly.
Jorunal of Yunan University Law Edition
The unit commits crime
Give oneself up in unit's crime
The administration of justice asserting