
扩展认识论的两种进路 被引量:14

Two Approaches to Expand Epistemology
摘要 20世纪中国哲学家不满于在西方近代产生的仅仅局限于知识经验的狭义认识论观点,主张把形上智慧纳入认识论研究的视野,阐发了一种扩展认识论的形上进路。在20世纪西方哲学中,存在着一条重要的思想线索,它在对知识经验的分析中强调knowing-how的重要性,展示了一种扩展认识论的实践进路。扩展认识论的这两种进路之间,存在着实质性的关联,比方说,在对人类认识及其成果的表达问题上,实践进路对于形上进路就能有所补正。 Some 20th century Chinese philosophers were unsatisfied with the theory of knowledge in modem Western philosophy which restricted epistemology solely to the examination Of knowledge. They argued that epistemology should also take care of metaphysical wisdom. This can be taken as a metaphysical approach to expand epistemology. Since the mid 20th century, therehas been an important line of thought in Western philosophy which argues that inadequacy of traditional epistemology lies in the fact that it focuses only on knowing that and is blind to knowing how. Thus some philosophers have explored a pragmatic approach to expand epistemology by putting on the agenda an analysis of knowing how. There are substantive interconnections between the two approaches ; for example, with respect to the problem of the articulation of human cognition, the pragmatic approach turns out to be complementary to the metaphysical approach.
作者 郁振华
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 形上进路 实践进路 知识经验 形上智慧 默会知识 metaphysical approach, pragmatic approach, knowledge, wisdom, tacit knowledge
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