Tea-Pickers' Opera of Fuzhou, having developed about country in 1950s' to 1960s', stagnated during the Great Cultural three hundred years, became popular in our Revolution, and flourished again in the late 1970s' to the middle 1980s'. However,after that,its development dropped into a low tide again with which some fame and influence remained. The long term potential of Tea-Pickers' Opera of Fuzhou is decided by her vigorous vitality which is shown by the widely supporting of local audiences and its good reputation and certain influence. Therefore,the problems which should be resolved in the next development of Tea-Pickers' Opera of Fuzhou still exist. They are to reestablish parts of original professional opera troupes,strengthen the existing professional opera troupes, propagandize publicly together with some stimulative measures, widely spread the opera among more people, develop the opera towards the market-oriented management, and push the Tea-Pickers' Opera of Fuzhou onto the national stages as soon as possible.
Tea-Pickers ' Opera of Fuzhou
local opera
historical retrospection