Abstract The presence of EGFR was studied in patients with laryngeal squamous carcinoma,la-ryngeal dysplasia and vocal cord polyps. There were 18 cases in each group. The study was carried out on paraffin embedded sections by means of ABC technique ,employing a polyclone antibody of EGFR,and the quantitative analysis was made by RTIA(real time image anal-yser).Our results indicated that:1.The expression of EGFR was demonstrated in the basal cell layer and occasionaly in spinous cell layer of laryngeal polyps,while for laryngeal dyspla-sia and carcinoma,all cells showed positive staining.2. The expression of EGFR in laryngeal carcinoma was significantly increased in contrast to that in laryngeal dysplasia(P<0.01 ),and to that in laryngeal polyps(P<0. 01).The content of EGFR varied according to the pathological degrees,The EGFR in the stage 2 and 3 of laryngeal squamous carcinoma in-creased significantly in comparison with that of stage 1(P<0.05).3.There were no signifi-cant difference in the content of EGFR between laryngeal dysplasia cell and the basal cell of laryngeal polyps(P>0. 05).It is concluded that the overexpression of EGFR is the specific character of laryngeal carcinoma. The expression of EGFR is related to pathological differen-tiation the overexpression of EGFR is not theresult of proliferation but the presence ofmalignancy. The quantitative immunohis-tochemical study of EGFR provides a new objective method to the early and differential diagnosis of laryngeal carcinoma.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg