
浓聚合物溶液中溶剂亨利系数估算──UNIFAC—FV模型参数c_1研究 被引量:2

Prediction of weight-fraction Henry's constants for hydrocarbons in concentrated polymer solutions ──the study of UNIFAC-FV model parameter c_1
摘要 考察了每分子或重复单元的外部自由度参数c1对低密度聚乙烯-溶剂与聚苯乙烯-溶剂体系中应用UNIFAC-FV模型进行估算的重量分率表示的溶剂亨利系数的影响,并给出c1的选择原则.低密度聚乙烯-溶剂体系:芳烃取c1=1.1,脂肪烃取c1=2.0;聚苯乙烯-溶剂体系;芳烃取c1=2.0;低密度聚乙烯-极性溶剂和聚苯乙烯-脂肪烃及极性溶剂体系中c1随溶剂不同而变化(表3). he UNIFAC-FV model has been applied to predict the weight-fraction Henry's constants of solvents in low-density polyethylene and in polystyrene in the region of 100 to250℃. By adjusting the number of external degrees of freedom per hydrocarbon molecule,the weightfraction Henry's constants was correlated with good agreement by the model. Theregularity of of is given out. The values of of is 2. 0 for aromatic hydrocarbons in polystyrenesolutions, and 1. 1 and 2. 0 for aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons in polyethylene solutions, respectively. They are changed with the types of solvents for polar solvents inpolystyrene and in polyethylene.
出处 《浙江大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 1996年第4期431-439,共9页
基金 国家自然科学基金 国家教委基金
关键词 UNIFAC-FV模型 亨利系数 高聚物溶液 气液平衡 vapor-liquid equilibria UNIFAC-FV Model Henry's constants polystyrene polyethylene
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