
FDI对中国制造业技术溢出的渠道研究 被引量:5

A study on channels of technical spillover from FDI to manufacturing industry in China
摘要 利用Malmquist指数方法测算我国制造业全要素生产率(TFP),并将其分解成技术进步指标与技术效率指标,利用脉冲反应函数和Geweke分解检验分别动态模拟FDI对技术进步与技术效率两种渠道的影响程度,以及FDI与两者的因果关系,研究表明:FDI对制造业生产率的溢出机制主要是通过对技术效率的提升表征出来的,对技术进步的促进作用并不明显。 There are different Technique Spillovers channel from direct foreign Investment. Based on a nonparametric Malmquist index approach, this paper has analyzed total factor productivity trend in China' s manufacturing industry, which is decomposed into technical efficiency and technical progress. Impulse response model and method of Geweke is used to dynamically simulate the effect on technical efficiency and technical progress from FDI and causality between the variables. The results indicate that: manufacturing industry productivity spillover from FDI is mainly due to advance of technical efficiency, there is no strong relationship between FDI and technical progress.
作者 沈能 刘凤朝
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期261-268,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 技术溢出 技术进步 技术效率 脉冲响应 technical spillover technical progress technical efficiency impulse response
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