
V-Ni二元合金的吸放氢性能 被引量:3

Hydrogen Storage Properties of V-Ni Binary Alloys
摘要 研究了V100-xNix(x=0-12%(原子分数))二元合金的活化性能、吸氢动力学性能、放氢PCT性能及吸放氢过程相结构的变化。Ni的添加提高了钒的活化性能和动力学性能。随着Ni含量的增加,γ相的分解压逐渐升高,稳定性降低。在20℃,3 MPa氢压下,当Ni含量高于0.5%(原子分数)时,γ相的含量迅速降低,饱和吸氢量明显减少,当Ni含量超过2%(原子分数)时,γ相消失。增加Ni含量,有利于降低β相的含量,提高β相的分解压。随着Ni含量的增加,合金的晶格常数呈线性趋势降低。 The effects of Ni on the activation performance, kinetic property and the hydrogen storage properties of 13 phase and 7 phase of vanadium were investigated. The activation performance of vanadium and the absorption kinetics were improved by the addition of Ni. With the increase of Ni content, the desorption pressure of 7 phase increased, and the stability of the alloy decreased. When Ni content in the alloy was higher than 0.5%(atom tracuon), H content in γ phase decreased rapidly, and when Ni content was higher than 2% (atom fraction), γ phase vanished at 20 ℃, 3 MPa. Ni addition in V led to the hydrogen capacity decrease and hydrogen desorption pressure increase of β phase. At the same time, the lattice parameter of the alloy declined linearly with the increase of Ni content.
出处 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期38-42,共5页 Chinese Journal of Rare Metals
基金 攀枝花科技局重点攻关项目(GX2003-1)资助
关键词 贮氢合金 V—Ni二元合金 吸放氢性能 X射线衍射 hydrogen storage alloys V-Ni binary alloy hydrogen absorption-desorption performance X-ray diffraction
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