
中国特大城市政府效率研究——以北京、上海、广州为例的个案分析 被引量:2

On Government Efficiency of the Metropolis in China——Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou Cases Analysis
摘要 本文从中国特大城市政府管理的特点出发分析了特大城市政府效率的性质,认为特大城市政府效率具有公共性和层次性的特点。特大城市政府效率从纵向上说是组织效率、管理效率和机械效率的统一,从横向上说是制度效率、配置效率和技术效率的统一。文章从制度效率、配置效率和技术效率这三个层面,以北京、上海和广州这些中国最具有代表性的特大城市为例分析了特大城市政府在提高政府效率方面所取得的成就,并分析了仍然存在的一些问题,在此基础上提出了进一步提高特大城市政府效率的对策和建议。 The essay analyzes the nature of the efficiency of China's metropolis. In the vertical level, the efficiency of the government means the integration of organic efficiency, managerial efficiency and mechanic efficiency. In the horizontal level, it means the unity of systematic efficiency, distribution efficiency and technological efficiency. Based on the latter three levels, the essay offers an analysis of government efficiency improvement achievements using Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou as instances. Then the author puts forth the policies and suggestions on further improvement of government efficiency.
作者 赵勇
机构地区 上海行政学院
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 2007年第2期42-54,共13页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
关键词 制度效率 配置效率 技术效率 现状 对策 Systematic Efficiency, Distribution Efficiency, Technological Efficiency, Status Quo, Policies
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