
多功能生长因子PTN与受体相互作用及跨膜信号传导 被引量:1

Pleiotrophin Interact with it's Receptors and Signal Transduction Pathway
摘要 PTN家族由两个成员组成,PTN(pleiotrophin)和MK(midkine),PTN是由136个氨基酸组成的18kD分泌型多功能生长因子.MK与PTN有50%的氨基酸同源性.它们在正常的细胞的生长、分化和迁移过程中起着重要的作用,也在一些病理过程中,如肿瘤和老年性痴呆中扮4演着重要角色.最近发现它们与酪氨酪蛋白激酶磷酸酶受体RPTPβ/ζ相互作用,调节底物β-Catenin(连环蛋白)的酪氨酸磷酸化水平,从而加深了对其生物学意义的了解,也为Ptn和Mk异常表达引起的疾病,如肿瘤和老年性痴呆的治疗提供了新的药物作用靶点. The Pleiotrophin(PTN) family consists of only two members, namely heparin-binding growth factors PTN and midkine (MK). PTN is a 136 amino acids secreted heparin-binding that signal's diverse function. PTN and MK have 50 percent homologues in amino acids. Both proteines play very important role in growth, differentiation and migration of cells. PTN and MK are also found in diseases such as tumors and Alzheimer's disease, recently, receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase β/ξ(RPTPβ/ξ) is identified as functionly ligand for PTN. The PTN and MK share same receptors. The PTN bound it's receptors signaling through RPTPβ/ξ and substratesβ-catenin, adducin 2β, and GIT-1/cat-1 of the receptor and regulated the tyrosine phosphorylation of the substrates. The functions of PTN and MK in normal cell growth and development and pathogenesis of diseases such as tumors and Alzheimer's diseases are reviewed. The receptors tyrosine phosphatasesβ/ξ and it's ligands Ptn and Mk, making them potentially very good targets for the development of new therapeatics.
出处 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 2007年第1期1-9,共9页 Life Science Research
关键词 多功能生长因子PTN MK 信号传导 PTN MK signal transduction
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